Sunday, February 7, 2010


The nasty rain stopped and the surrounding area is covered in the nasty white stuff. But it is February and the time of Spring is getting closer every day.

The preppers are getting ready, if you can believe their blogs, which I do. Pete Smith is really thinking it is getting close to collapse. Check him out at . He is prepping and storing up and really getting ready. I saw some photos of a major grocery store on the East coast and it looked like devastation row. Empty shelves everywhere. They were sold out. Me, I sit at home because I know the roads are messed up, and I don't worry about a damn thing because I have enough preps to get me through most any emergency. What the hell is prepping for ? Tea in the garden? C'mon. You have preps because you don't want to do without in an emergency. Especially when the masses are weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth. It's really disgraceful to gnash your teeth when the masses do it. So prep on!

The Obama administration is lying it's ass off about the economy. They lied about 825,000 out of work folks and are not going to change the numbers. This will indicate to you how gullible the American public really is.

Not much to say right now. Just waiting for the collapse. Enjoy yourselves and stay alive.



Andrea said...

We got 10 inches of snow Friday, give or take, with another storm coming in Tuesday and several more inches of snow forecasted. I know it's coming along with everyone else in the broadcasting area who owns a working TV or radio, but folks will wait until the snow starts falling Monday night to decide they need their Crystal Light and emergency frozen dinners. Sigh. People just never learn.

Mayberry said...

I will be devoting my tax return 100% to food and increasing my water filtration capacity. I think the pace of collapse is gonna pick up pretty soon...

Dr. Richard said...

Andrea - you got off light. We got 34" in Leesburg VA and lost power for 8+ hours on Saturday. Still managed to keep the house at 58 - 60 degrees F and kept the refrigerator going. Adding a transfer switch and one or more backup propane heaters is now on the to-do list. If we start getting more of these storms, a snow blower might get on the list since it was a real challenge shoveling all of this and getting the cars freed...
