Monday, November 17, 2008


I headed to the cabin Thursday to avoid all the deer hunter traffic I figured would be there Friday. I made good time, so much so I even stopped in Ionia to check for a used book store. They don't read in Ionia, as I have suspected after dealing there a few times.

Opened up the cabin and got everything in and ready for hunting season. I supped on a pan of creamed chicken soup and peanut butter toast. I read a little and went to bed early.

Friday I slept in. I am not sure if I was catching up on sleep or getting ahead, but I was in bed for 13 hours. I decided to go to Big Rapids to a used book store I had seen there. I headed north on 66 and ended up stopping in Barryton and checking out the library and historical society. A lady at the historical society was more interesting in Henry County, Ohio history than the local history they had up there. She raved about Grelton, Ohio, a town that almost made my GT book.

I stayed too long talking history so I just meandered my way back to the trailer. I stopped at the Flat River Saloon and had a couple of burgers for lunch. I enjoy stopping in Six Lakes, it just seems right to do.

Scott arrived later Friday night and we went back to the Saloon for a fish dinner. I ran into more people there that I know then any bar I ever visit in Toledo, go figure that one.

Scott and I were up and out by six the next morning. We walked back to the hill and took our spots. The woods grew light and the only things that moved early were a couple of squirrels. I did finally see a deer moving away from me toward the stream. About a half hour after that I heard Scott shoot. I waited and he never moved, yelled over to me or anything. I figured it wasn't him that shot and he was looking for who did. Finally he got up and moved down the hill. I walked over to see him coming back through the swamp. He had shot a large doe.

(Here I will insert a verbal tale when next we talk face to face, but I will not write it down.)

We finally got the doe gutted out and tied to a strong stick we could shoulder and care her out like they used to show the big hunters doing with lions and stuff. She was hung on the buck pole until it finally broke and Scott had to make a new one.

Scott left for State after we had hunted a few hours Sunday morning. I went back in the woods and sat for another hour and half while it snowed. The woods turned from the rust orange of the fall leaves to a blanket of white. Any deer would be seen easily and from a distance. The problem was no deer were seen and I got cold and went back to the cabin.

I spent the rest of the day and night reading a book about Death Valley. I got up this morning and decided it was too damn cold for me to sit in the woods. Besides, if I shot a deer I had no help getting it out. I loaded up and came home. All is well here and hopefully we will have more tales after we return north next weekend.


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